Baby Gear: Chava David 650-417-1365
Bris Pillow/Outfit: Jessica Toso 281-782-2869 or Gayil Helprin 713-252-2864 (Bris Davening Cards in addition) or Naomi Selevan 347-933-5299
Bris Box (box with supplies for the actual Bris): Adina Metchik 914-714-3772 or Dahlia Simons 412-651-7541
Boys Suits for Simchas (18 months-11 years): Gayil Helprin 713-252-2864 and Racheli Karmel 732-358-9010
Chairs / Tables: Zehava Wolbe 832-721-9331, Tzirel Dubin 732-814-4239 (30 black metal folding chairs and 2 folding tables) and Michal Jacknin 845-538-6128
Emergency Equipment: Rabbi Moshe Friedman 713-330-6424 or Dovid Wolhberg 718-314-9302
Food: Lev Echad Houston (Penina Medetsky 832-594-4760 or Tzivia Weiss 513-652-0444) or Shoshana Isaacson (pareve soup) 443-226-9356 or Sara Goldenzweig 631-255-4612 (any food needs up until candle lighting)
Gown Gemach: Sara Leah Friedman 845-662-3478
Jewish Library: Aviva Lieberman 516-474-8178 or Leon Weiner book library (inside Young Israel) Rachel Davis 713-446-4998
Lice/Nits Checking: Penina Medetsky 832-594-4760 or Nomi Masri 832-605-5346
Medical Equipment: Shirley Katz 832-545-7683 (wheelchair/crutches) or Zehava Wolbe 832-721-9331 (adult/kid crutches ) or Chaverim 832-800-8235 or Rachel Yaghobian (wheelchair/walker) 832-659-5506 or UOS – Ezra Miller
Notary: Binyomin Medetsky 832-570-2428 or Avi Metchik 617-817-0851 or Yitzi Artman 314-413-9426 or Wendy Goldman 832-677-9681
Pregnancy Loss / Postpartum Support: Rachel Yaghobian 832-659-5506
Purim Costumes: Hadassah Brown 469-360-0124
Sheitel/Wig: Yocheved Stock 832-428-1754
Shiva Chairs and Siddurim: Aryeh Wolbe 832-452-2288 or Chaverim 832-800-8234
Simcha Gemach/ Table Decor: Adina Metchik 914-714-3772 or Tziril Gardner 845-641-3997 or Leeba Weiser (simcha and tablecloth) 516-724-7773
Sound Protection: Sari Nagel 832-264-3935 (Baby Noise Cancelling Headphones, Sound Level Meter)
Tablecloths: Chevi Friedman 917-704-7541 and Shira Buchwald 718-873-3973, Leeba Weiser (Simcha and Tablecloth)
Uniforms, YTE: Rus Wersing 770-878-4457
Web Filter /TAG:, Rabbi Eliezer Kessler
Wedding Shtick: Penina Medetsky 832-594-4760
Wedding/ Evening Gowns: Shoshana Isaacson 443-226-9356
Women’s Clothing: Stephani Serotta 713-854-8241 or Yaffa Behar 713-419-8060 or Toby Polatsek 845-826-0000